Agrupamento de Escolas Nuno de Santa Maria, Tomar
AENSM is an entity that aims to be innovative in its methods and pedagogical practices, as well as in the formation of its pupils. It commits itself to provide its students with na education that allows them to position themselves in the world and be prepared to face the complexities of life. The school is located in Tomar, about 120 km from Lisbon. It has about 2,200 students aged from 3 to 18 years from kindergarten to upper secondary level. The students of our entity are distributed in 15 schools - 23% of these pupils have economic problems and 7% are students with special educational needs. AENSM has around 220 teachers and 80 educational assistants. We also have 2 psychologists, and an protocol with an organisation that works with us in speech Therapy and hippo therapy. In order to develop a broader range of competences in young people, schools in 2nd and 3rd cycles and secondary schools (within the group) offer pupils a number of other opportunities such as the possibility of getting involved in different clubs and projects which will enable them to enrich their skills. Motivation to join this project: We want to assist our pupils in the best ways we can and we know that through participation in projects such as the one being proposed in this application form, we will be helping our pupils in their personal development.
Due to our past participation in Erasmus+ projects, we have experienced first hand the benefits that come out from these initiatives and therefore we were immediately interested to join the network of schools for the implementation of the proposed project. Key People: Maria Celeste Sousa who is the director of the school and Luís Colaço who is the coordinator of the school when it comes to Erasmus projects. Both key people are very experienced individuals when it comes to working with young people and participating in school activities. It is not expected that any of the mentioned key people will leave their position since they are teachers of definitive appointment in the school, but in case na unforeseen circumstance occurs, the school will appoint a member of its Executive body to fill in the new role. In addition to the mentioned main key people, other people will be providing their assistance for the smooth running of this project. These are the below: - 2 members of the Group's Executive body, who are experienced in project management, budgeting, evaluation, dissemination and internal teacher training; - Another Erasmus Coordinator (experienced in the coordination of Erasmus+, evaluation, dissemination, validation of skills acquired - Europass Mobility), e-Twinning, School Education Gate-way); Specific Experience or Expertise: We have already participated in Strategic Partnership projects in the past and therefore we have good experience as to what is required for the proper and successful implementation of these kind of projects.